
I want to need your help.

sheriff-rango opened this issue · 1 comments

A group of users is eligible for rewards in a certain token type.
I want to store the total reward in a smart contract called Distributor and allow the user to withdraw his reward portion from this contract.
To make sure that each user can only withdraw the amount he is assigned I want to use the Merkle Tree where all the distribution information is encoded into the Merkle root.

I composed the string with users account address and his amount and built merkle tree with them using merkletreejs.
Just like in your test script ("should return true for valid merkle proof (SO#63509)").

The progress of making merkle tree using merkletreejs in the test file is the same as yours.

The difference is that I made leaf for verification with msg.sender and amount in the solidity file for security using kesscak256 and abi.encodePacked.

in solidity file
string memory nodeString = MakeNodeString.composeNodeString(
bytes32 node = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(nodeString));
MerkleProof.verify(merkleProof, merkleRoot, node),
"MerkleDistributor: Invalid proof."

But unfortunately, I failed the verification and I think it is because there are difference between the hash result of kessck256(abi.encodePacked(nodeString)) in solidity file and kesscak256(nodeString) in javascript file.

I have already asked in Stackoverflow.

How can I fix this issue?

@sheriff-rango I've added a working example in this branch https://github.com/miguelmota/merkletreejs-solidity/tree/encodePacked-example

It should answer your questions about using abi.encodePacked and soliditySha3