
colors in statusline

Closed this issue · 5 comments

in #7 you mention now colors are used, and colors come 'with colors from your colorscheme.'

I am not sure what colors are chosen, but in my case, although colors are diff for the buffer and the number, they are too similar, look:
2014-05-14 12_32_22-todo txt c__users_jm_dropbox_solrlan_kirentech1204_apache-solr_putil - gvim

It would help a lot if the numbers were yellow for instance (in my case). Is there any way to improve this?


That's a bit unfortunate :). The colors used are the ones for Identifier (in blue, below) and String (red)


That's how it looks for me:


In some colorschemes they may have similar colors indeed. What colorscheme are you using?

I am using Solarized dark (quite common I think). Maybe it is possible to let the user choose at least one of the colors (or both) cause there will be always some colorscheme in which choosen colors are too similar.

yeah I can probably add a more particular highlight group that can be customized

I made the color groups consistent with what you get with the Bufstop command. The color groups are bufstopKey and bufstopName
You can customize them in your .vimrc. I found these settings to be looking ok with Solarized:

hi def link bufstopName Function
hi def link bufstopKey Type

just tested and now default colors with solarized are much better. Thanks