
keep order of buffers

Closed this issue · 6 comments

another improvement comes to mind very often. I use BufstopModeFast mode, and the order of the buffers shown in the commandline changes every time you change to a new buffer. The current buffer is put first, and the rest reflect any change needed to move the current one to first position.

It would be extremely useful not to change the sorting, this way:

  • buffers would be in the same position so it's faster to find them when you have many
  • the always keep the same letter, so it is also faster

Not sure how difficult would be to implement this, but it would be great.

Ok, I could add an option to disable sorting, it's fairly easy. Tho it wouldn't be more useful than the built-in ls command. With BufstopMode you'd also had the problem that when you open more files than the display limit, you won't be able to see the latest ones.

another neat idea would be to have the buffers sorted by most frequently used. So instead of disabling sorting altogether you could have the option to sort between:

  • MRU (most recently used, as it is now)
  • MFU (most frequently used)
  • no sorting

of course, having different options would be even better....

Added a new option g:BufstopSorting which you can use to control the order in which the buffers appear. You can set it to "none" or "" to keep the original order, or "MFU" to have the most frequently used buffers appear first.

Also fixed a number of other issues, the plugin should be in better shape now.

excellent! I am using "none" for now, but I migth experiment with MFU in the future.

But I noticed something that might be a side effect...I cannot move anymore to the previous buffer with C-^, it says:

E23 no alternate file

is this intended?

No, it was a small bug, it's resolved now. Thanks for testing