
Primary LanguageJava



  • First steps towards running IBISes on TIBCO AMX (as WebApp in Composite)
  • added "Used SapSystems" to console function "Show Security Items"
  • prevent OutOfMemoryError in console function "Adapter Logging" caused by a lot of files in a directory

Build Status

Commits JavaDocs


  • Better DB2 support.
  • Some steps towards making a release with Maven.
  • First steps towards dynamic adapters.
  • Specific java class, which returns Tibco queue information in a xml, is extended with more information.
  • On the main page of the IBIS console ("Show configurationStatus") for each RestListener a clickable icon is added (this replaces separate bookmarks).


Ibis AdapterFramework

Build adapters using XML configuration. Build application using adapters.

Ibis AdapterFramework

Small XML configuration example which defines an adapter:

<adapter name="HelloWorld" description="Little example">
	<receiver className="nl.nn.adapterframework.receivers.GenericReceiver" name="HelloWorld">
		<listener className="nl.nn.adapterframework.receivers.JavaListener" name="HelloWorld"/>
	<pipeline firstPipe="HelloWorld">
			<exit path="EXIT" state="success"/>
		<pipe name="HelloWorld" className="nl.nn.adapterframework.pipes.FixedResult" returnString="Hello World">
			<forward name="success" path="EXIT"/>

Mailing list and IRC

The Ibis community can be contacted via https://groups.google.com/d/forum/ibissource. You can join this mailing list by sending a message to ibissource+subscribe@googlegroups.com. Or try to find somebody online on IRC using the web interface or an IRC client.


  • Download Eclipse Kepler
  • Unzip and start Eclipse.
  • Window, Preferences, Team, Git, History, Follow Renames.
  • In Git Repositories view clone https://github.com/ibissource/iaf.git
  • Right click iaf, Import projects...
  • In Navigator view right click pom.xml, Run As, Maven build..., JRE, make sure a JDK instead of JRE is used (install one when not available). To make sure that all code is Java 5 compatible use JDK 1.5.
  • Run.
  • Refresh the project, build problems should be resolved.
  • When Tomcat has been added to the Servers view it should be possible to add the project to the server and start it up.


(needs to be updated as maven-parent isn't used anymore)

  • Clone this any way you like. E.g. at the commandline: git clone git@github.com:ibissource/maven-parent.git
  • File -> Open project, and select the pom.xml which just appeared.
  • To use git via intellij you need to install the git and/or github plugin.
  • You can add a tomcat configuration via Run-> Edit Configuration -> + -> Tomcat Server -> Local -> Add example webapp under deployments tab.
  • Run it

Command-line interface