
bump to version 2.1.0

legoheld opened this issue · 5 comments

@mijime Do you have the time to bump to version 2.1.0 or should create a pull request?

Thank you for letting me notice. PR are accepted at any time!

Your welcome. If you have time to bump the version I really appreciate as I have no local setup and it would be the first time I would do something like that. But if you don't have the time I would invest the time.
By the way your image is much clearer with the db separation and the config generation than the official one. Thank you.

Once it has been upgraded! We will continue to modify from now to accept the 2.1.0 configuration.
Please wait a little more time!

If you try, please run docker pull mijime/mattermost:2.1.0

🙇 Once close. Also please contact feel free to if there are any problems.

Very well! Thank you for your quick help! 🙏