
Consider changing ~/AppImages location to ~/.AppImages

Closed this issue · 2 comments


Visible folders in home should be populated by folders with media & documents (Documents, Downloads, Music, Pictures, Videos etc.)
While invisible files & folders contain configurations, data used by system or apps. They also can include portable app binaries, which AppImages are.

This will make separation between them cleaner.

lwbt commented

In them mean time one can add the folder name to .hidden file in the home directory. Sorry for stating the obvious, but some users may not know about this.

you can change the default folder for AppImages in the settings with any path you want inside your home directory: there is an option just for that.

If you knew about this and you were suggesting to change the default path, I'm sorry but I am not a big fan of hiding content to the user.

Furthermore, many tutorials already suggest to use folders like ~/Appimages or ~/Applications for .appimages files, so they kinda became the "standard locations" for .appimage files.