
Similar module by me

finnp opened this issue · 3 comments

Hey there,

for some reason I didn't see your project and just wrote basically the same module (only that I expose marked and not the renderer): https://github.com/finnp/cli-md

You should check out the https://www.npmjs.org/package/cardinal module, which has javascript terminal syntax highlighting.

Maybe if we change your module in being a little bit more customisable (for the colors e.g.) I would use your renderer in my module. This way we wouldn't have the code duplication, but I could still use my own color skin or whatever.


Hi! Yeah, that's a great idea. I could easily make the Renderer-constructor take an options object defining different colors for different sections. I'm all for keeping the node eco-system as concise as possible.

How about something like

new TerminalRenderer({
  code: chalk.yellow,
  quote: chalk.italic.gray,
  heading: function () {
     // possible a custom function

But with defaults, so you could just do

new TerminalRenderer()

Thanks for the tip about cardinal! I'll check it out.

Yes exactly like this :)

I've added support for this and published the module as version 1.0.0 on NPM.
Thanks for your help!