
Add flag to not bullet each line of multi-line list items

devinivy opened this issue · 0 comments

First, just want to say I really appreciate this module. It's quite slick and can be used to create some very neat tools– thanks!

Now the feature suggestion! When an unordered list item consists of multiple lines the renderer bullet-points each line. This can be confusing in a situation where there are sibling multi-line list items, as it's hard to tell where one stops and the next begins. Here's some example output from the hapijs docs.

    * cors - the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (http://www.w3.org/TR/cors/) protocol allows
    * browsers to make cross-origin API calls. CORS is required by web applications running
    * inside a browser which are loaded from a different domain than the API server. CORS
    * headers are disabled by default (false). To enable, set cors to true, or to an object
    * with the following options:
        * origin - a strings array of allowed origin servers ('Access-Control-Allow-Origin').
        * The array can contain any combination of fully qualified origins along with origin
        * strings containing a wildcard '*' character, or a single '*' origin string. Defaults
        * to any origin ['*'].
        * maxAge - number of seconds the browser should cache the CORS response
        * ('Access-Control-Max-Age'). The greater the value, the longer it will take before the
        * browser checks for changes in policy. Defaults to 86400 (one day).

It would be nice if this were able to be rendered as,

    * cors - the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (http://www.w3.org/TR/cors/) protocol allows
      browsers to make cross-origin API calls. CORS is required by web applications running
      inside a browser which are loaded from a different domain than the API server. CORS
      headers are disabled by default (false). To enable, set cors to true, or to an object
      with the following options:
        * origin - a strings array of allowed origin servers ('Access-Control-Allow-Origin').
          The array can contain any combination of fully qualified origins along with origin
          strings containing a wildcard '*' character, or a single '*' origin string. Defaults
          to any origin ['*'].
        * maxAge - number of seconds the browser should cache the CORS response
          ('Access-Control-Max-Age'). The greater the value, the longer it will take before the
          browser checks for changes in policy. Defaults to 86400 (one day).

If you're interested in this feature I would be happy to contribute the code.