
UML Actors for Cosa Arduino OOP Framework

Primary LanguageC++


This Cosa library is an implementation of the UML Capsules and Connectors. Together with Cosa FSM and device drivers this library allow a declarative approach to concurrent system design and implementation.

This library takes a radical different approach to implementation as the Connectors are the holders of global state. C++ assignment operator overloading and template classes are used to embedd UML Capsules and Connectors.

There is a rich set of support Capsules and Connectors. These include (in alphabetical order).

  • [Button] (./UML/Button.hh), Input Pin Adapter.
  • [Capsule] (./UML/Capsule.hh), Abstract Behaviour.
  • [Clock] (./UML/Clock.hh), Timed Capsule with Counter.
  • [Connector] (./UML/Connector.hh), Abstract Connector.
  • [Controller] (./UML/Controller.hh), Run-time Scheduler.
  • [Counter] (./UML/Counter.hh), Event Counter.
  • [Display] (./UML/Display.hh), Connector Probe to LCD.
  • [Join] (./UML/Join.hh), Control Flow.
  • [LED] (./UML/LED.hh), Output Pin Adapter.
  • [Probe] (./UML/Probe.hh), Connector Trace.
  • [Relay] (./UML/Relay.hh), Output Pin Adapter with trigger range.
  • [TimedCapsule] (./UML/TimedCapsule.hh), Periodic Capsule.
  • [TimedProbe] (./UML/TimedProbe.hh), Periodic Connector Trace.
  • [Trigger] (./UML/Trigger.hh), Interrupt Pin Adapter.
  • [Voltmeter] (./UML/Voltmeter.hh), Analog Pin Adapter.


To use this library you must download and install the [Arduino IDE] (http://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software) (or GCC AVR toolchain) and [Cosa] (https://github.com/mikaelpatel/Cosa).

Download and unzip the Cosa-UML library into your sketchbook libraries directory. Rename from Cosa-UML-master to UML.

The UML library and examples should be found in the Arduino IDE File>Sketchbook menu. Open the CosaUMLCapsules example sketch. Select the Cosa core by selecting one of the Cosa boards in the Tools>Board menu.


  1. A UML Profile for Modeling Complex Real-Time Architectures, Bran Selic, Rational Software Inc., http://www.omg.org/news/meetings/workshops/presentations/realtime2001/6-3_Selic.presentation.pdf