
2 ways data flow

lmcthbe opened this issue · 3 comments

A two ways data flow should be available when diagramming

Hello @lmcthbe - this is a good request. We have migrated the Threat Dragon repositories to the OWASP organisation areas, and there is an issue there:
that also requests bidirectional data flow. This is difficult with our existing jointjs drawing package, and there are plans to move to draw.io , which supports the 2-way data flow. This is expected in version 2.0 of Threat Dragon, we have just released 1.3 here:

@jgadsden Thanks for the answer and nice adding to TD in 1.3 with LINDDUN. BTW, TD is not anymore a trusted app by Windows Defender. Keep up the good work

Thanks, @lmcthbe , LINDDUN seems a popular addition.
Do you want to raise an issue for TD not being a Windows Defender trusted app? The place for this issue would be:
and you get github credit for doing so ;-)

The reason it is no longer trusted is that the signing private key is bound to Mike Goodwin's computer (if I understand correctly @mike-goodwin ?) and so we have stopped signing the Windows version of the app