
Does not work with binary files.

Closed this issue · 4 comments

If you split a binary file with:
split -b 200 binary.file
and then
cat x* > binary.file.out
and run
md5sum binary.file binary.file.out
they are the same.

The doing the same with the plugin does not result in the same md5sum.

Thanks for reporting the issue. I have confirmed the unexpected behavior you describe. What is happening, I think, is that the filesystem does not provide a listing of a directory's files in the order that is expected, so the output file contains all of the parts but not in the right order.

As a workaround, you can list the files explicitly, like this:


...instead of using a wildcard pattern like <include>bin/x*</include>.

Being able to use the wildcard pattern is a feature I would like to support, though, so I will try to think of a way to do that.

P.S. I don't think the problem is that the files are binary -- I think it would probably concatenate text files in an unpredictable order too.

I released a fix for this as of commit af0a7cd. It be available as version 0.4 when it makes its way through the Sonatype queue. Use the <sort>alphabetical</sort> within your <fileset> element to sort the included files alphabetically. (This is the behavior that the shell induces when you execute cat x* > binary.file.out.)

Awesome! I will give it a try. Thank you for your quick response!

As a workaround, you can list the files explicitly, like this:

I was able to confirm that this does fix the issue as well.