Meld with selectbox
systematicanet opened this issue · 2 comments
systematicanet commented
I'm trying to get a working selctbox without luck. Visualization is right but when I select an item component reset.. Seem init call is done every change I made in selectbox then value is right but selected item is always the first.
Here are my component code
<label for="selectmacroaree">Macroaree</label>
<select meld:model.prevent="selezionato" meld:click="set_macroarea" class="uk-select" id="selectmacroaree" name="selectmacroaree" >
{% for macro in macroaree %}
<option value="{{|trim }}">{{ macro.text }}</option>
{% endfor %}
class SelectMacroaree(Component):
def __init__(self, id=None, **kwargs):
super().__init__(id=id, **kwargs)
self.selezionato = kwargs.get('value', '0')
myresult = listaMacroAreeDict()
myresult.insert(0,{'id':0, 'text':'Tutte'})
self.macroaree = myresult
def set_macroarea(self):
systematicanet commented
Even a suggestion for...?
mikeabrahamsen commented
Hey there, was able to make some time to dig into this. It should be fixed with commit 44b9f0a which has been included in release 0.10.0. Upgrade to the newest version and give it a try