
Extra Credit: Concurrency Game

Opened this issue · 2 comments

https://deadlockempire.github.io/ is a game about managing concurrency in C#. The language is obviously different than the sql/python combination we covered in class, but otherwise the principles are the same.

Therefore, I will award extra credit for completing the game. If you complete everything up to (and including) the "Locks" section, you will get +1 point ec. If you finish the entire game, you will get an additional +1 point ec.

These extra sections cover alternatives to locks that modern programming languages and operating systems support. Unfortunately, they are not implemented in standard SQL implementations. I would be excited to supervise a student thesis/research project on implementing some of these other methods as a library in Postgres.

Hi Mike! Fortunately was able to complete the game up to the locks section because of some C I learned in my OS class. Do I just show you the physical proof during OH? Thanks.

@abraryaser02 Yes. It has to be shown to me in person. Office hours/after class/during the final exam timeslot are all fine times.