
"HttpActions:reportState(): http server is not running"

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Dear all,

Due to an unfinished and so failed installation of a node, my .node-red/node _modules directory was meshed up with all kind of left-overs.
A re-installation of all the nodes failed as well. This was the moment to decide to install my google smart-home to a newer and faster Raspberry Pi. I moved the complete flow from the old pi to the new pi. Of course I lost all my credentials.

After re configuring the Management node I got the following message:

"HttpActions:reportState(): http server is not running"

As the new pi has a different IP address, I changed the port forwarding for port 3001

I did already the following:

  • Checked all open and closed issues for similar reports. I found 1, but the solution did not solved my issue
  • Checked the configuration for duplicate configuration nodes. Only one.
  • Restarted Node-RED and even the Pi.
  • Removed the old Pi from my LAN to be sure that no old server interfered with my new installed version. Did not solve the issue.

Does anyone has a clue what might going on or has a good hint how to check and tackle this issue.?
Much appreciated.


Dear all,

Issue has been solved and as always, if you find it, it is very simple.

In this case the cause was:
I did not copy the JSON file containing the JWT key from the old Raspberry Pi to the new Raspberry Pi . So the Node-RED service couldn´t read it. In addition the JWT Key settting was completely wrong.

I hope this information is useful for other users, who move the Google Smarthome application to another device in the future
