
Cannot GET /check

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I have just installed node-red-contrib-google-smarthome 0.3.14
But I can’t access any of the “path” /check, /smarthome, /oauth or /token

I get “Cannot GET /” for each call.

My setup is like this.
Nodered port 1880

Web Server Settings:
Port 3001
Path: https://nr.mydomain.com/smarthome
“Use external SSL offload” check
Local Fulfillment port 3002

NodeRed Running as docker container, image version 3.0.2-14

I use a HAProxy Infront of NodeRed and the SSL Termination is done there.
So, when I access this externally, I hit the HAProxy on port 443 that redirects the traffic to port 3001.

But even when I try to access internally, I get “cannot GET /check”

curl -X GET http://xx.xx.xx.xx:3001/check

Cannot GET /check

In docker logs during startup
SmartHome:Start(): url /https://nr.mydomain.com/smarthome/oauth registere
for get
SmartHome:Start(): url /https://nr.mydomain.com/smarthome/check registered for get

I have also tried curl -X GET http://xx.xx.xx.xx:3001/smarthome/check but with the same result.

I found the cause for this. It was the "path" that I had misunderstood when I did the configured!