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Use TDD to create a Book
class that responds to the following interaction pattern. For the publication_year
method, assume that the year is always the last four characters of the publication date.
pry(main)> require './lib/book'
#=> true
pry(main)> book = Book.new({author_first_name: "Harper", author_last_name: "Lee", title: "To Kill a Mockingbird", publication_date: "July 11, 1960"})
#=> #<Book:0x00007fcc021fad08...>
pry(main)> book.title
#=> "To Kill a Mockingbird"
pry(main)> book.author
#=> "Harper Lee"
pry(main)> book.publication_year
#=> "1960"
Use TDD to create an Author
class that responds to the following interaction pattern.
The write
method must take two Strings as arguments and return an instance of Book
pry(main)> require './lib/book'
#=> true
pry(main)> require './lib/author'
#=> true
pry(main)> charlotte_bronte = Author.new({first_name: "Charlotte", last_name: "Bronte"})
#=> #<Author:0x00007fb898081850...>
pry(main)> charlotte_bronte.name
#=> "Charlotte Bronte"
pry(main)> charlotte_bronte.books
#=> []
pry(main)> jane_eyre = charlotte_bronte.write("Jane Eyre", "October 16, 1847")
#=> #<Book:0x00007fb896e22538...>
pry(main)> jane_eyre.class
#=> Book
pry(main)> jane_eyre.title
#=> "Jane Eyre"
pry(main)> villette = charlotte_bronte.write("Villette", "1853")
#=> #<Book:0x00007fb8980aaca0...>
pry(main)> charlotte_bronte.books
#=> [#<Book:0x00007fb896e22538...>, #<Book:0x00007fb8980aaca0...>]
Use TDD to create a Library
class that responds to the following interaction pattern.
The publication_time_frame_for
method takes an Author
object as an argument and returns a hash with two key/value pairs:
which points to the publication year of theAuthor
's first book.:end
which points to the publication year of theAuthor
's last book.
pry(main)> require './lib/library'
#=> true
pry(main)> require './lib/author'
#=> true
pry(main)> dpl = Library.new("Denver Public Library")
#=> #<Library:0x00007fbeea3653c0...>
pry(main)> dpl.name
#=> "Denver Public Library"
pry(main)> dpl.books
#=> []
pry(main)> dpl.authors
#=> []
pry(main)> charlotte_bronte = Author.new({first_name: "Charlotte", last_name: "Bronte"})
#=> #<Author:0x00007fbeea2d78b8...>
pry(main)> jane_eyre = charlotte_bronte.write("Jane Eyre", "October 16, 1847")
#=> #<Book:0x00007fbeeb3beca8...>
pry(main)> professor = charlotte_bronte.write("The Professor", "1857")
#=> #<Book:0x00007fbeea8efd90...>
pry(main)> villette = charlotte_bronte.write("Villette", "1853")
#=> #<Book:0x00007fbeea24fbe8...>
pry(main)> harper_lee = Author.new({first_name: "Harper", last_name: "Lee"})
#=> #<Author:0x00007fbeea112730...>
pry(main)> mockingbird = harper_lee.write("To Kill a Mockingbird", "July 11, 1960")
#=> #<Book:0x00007fbeeb1089f0...>
pry(main)> dpl.add_author(charlotte_bronte)
pry(main)> dpl.add_author(harper_lee)
pry(main)> dpl.authors
=> [#<Author:0x00007fbeea2d78b8...>, #<Author:0x00007fbeea112730...>]
pry(main)> dpl.books
=> [#<Book:0x00007fbeeb3beca8...>, #<Book:0x00007fbeea8efd90...>, #<Book:0x00007fbeea24fbe8...>, #<Book:0x00007fbeeb1089f0...>]
pry(main)> dpl.publication_time_frame_for(charlotte_bronte)
#=> {:start=>"1847", :end=>"1857"}
pry(main)> dpl.publication_time_frame_for(harper_lee)
#=> {:start=>"1960", :end=>"1960"}
Use TDD to implement the following methods on the Library
The checkout
method takes a Book
as an argument. It should return false
if a Book
does not exist in the library or it is already checked out. Otherwise, it should return true indicating that the book has been checked out.
The checked_out_books
method should return an array of books that are currently checked out.
The return
method takes a Book
as an argument. Calling this method means that a book is no longer checked out.
The most_popular_book
method should return the book that has been checked out the most.
pry(main)> require './lib/library'
#=> true
pry(main)> require './lib/author'
#=> true
pry(main)> dpl = Library.new("Denver Public Library")
#=> #<Library:0x00007f8c021685b0...>
pry(main)> charlotte_bronte = Author.new({first_name: "Charlotte", last_name: "Bronte"})
#=> #<Author:0x00007f8c01429a98...>
pry(main)> jane_eyre = charlotte_bronte.write("Jane Eyre", "October 16, 1847")
#=> #<Book:0x00007f8c01433138...>
pry(main)> villette = charlotte_bronte.write("Villette", "1853")
#=> #<Book:0x00007f8c021d84c8...>
pry(main)> harper_lee = Author.new({first_name: "Harper", last_name: "Lee"})
#=> #<Author:0x00007f8c01442520...>
pry(main)> mockingbird = harper_lee.write("To Kill a Mockingbird", "July 11, 1960")
#=> #<Book:0x00007f8c019506c0...>
# This book cannot be checked out because it doesn't exist in the library
pry(main)> dpl.checkout(mockingbird)
#=> false
# This book cannot be checked out because it doesn't exist in the library
pry(main)> dpl.checkout(jane_eyre)
#=> false
pry(main)> dpl.add_author(charlotte_bronte)
pry(main)> dpl.add_author(harper_lee)
pry(main)> dpl.checkout(jane_eyre)
#=> true
pry(main)> dpl.checked_out_books
#=> [#<Book:0x00007f8c01433138...>]
# This book cannot be checked out because it is currently checked out
pry(main)> dpl.checkout(jane_eyre)
#=> false
pry(main)> dpl.return(jane_eyre)
# Returning a book means it should no longer be checked out
pry(main)> dpl.checked_out_books
#=> []
pry(main)> dpl.checkout(jane_eyre)
#=> true
pry(main)> dpl.checkout(villette)
#=> true
pry(main)> dpl.checked_out_books
#=> [#<Book:0x00007f8c01433138...>, #<Book:0x00007f8c021d84c8...>]
pry(main)> dpl.checkout(mockingbird)
#=> true
pry(main)> dpl.return(mockingbird)
pry(main)> dpl.checkout(mockingbird)
#=> true
pry(main)> dpl.return(mockingbird)
pry(main)> dpl.checkout(mockingbird)
#=> true
pry(main)> dpl.most_popular_book
#=> #<Book:0x00007f8c019506c0...>