
How to use YOLOX as the detector for evaluation?

Closed this issue · 5 comments

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  • I have searched the Yolo Tracking issues and found no similar bug report.


generate_dets_n_embs.py seems to use yolov8 as the detector as the YOLO() method is from ultralytics repository.
When I pass a YOLOX model for the --yolo-mode parameter, no results are shown in dets and embs folders. The results in line 80 is generated from the yolov8n.pt in line 31.

@mikel-brostrom Help me. Have you tried using official YOLOX as the detector? Thanks a lot.

You can take inspiration from track.py. track.py can run yolox. I would be more than happy to review a PR for this. I just only have time for minor bug fixes at the moment.

@mikel-brostrom I just tried track.py. However, no results are detected. I am sure that the trained weight file is successful using official validation script, and can get the detection results.

The default ByteTrack Crowdhuman weights run without problem...

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