
Why ReID improves HybridSORT performance

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Hello, may I ask if the improvement effect of ReID is due to the use of more advanced ReID or what is the reason. I want to join my method. thanks

My confusion lies in the fact that recent methods such as bytetrack and ocsort do not seem to have ReID. Is it because the effect has deteriorated due to the addition of ReID

The use of ReID or not has to do, mostly, with execution time.

  • With ReID --> Slower execution time
  • Without ReID --> Faster execution time

Out of the three main MOT metrics (HOTA, MOTA, IDF1), the maximum metric boost by using ReiD is in IDF1

Therefore, is the processing method to add the cost matrices of IOU and REID, and multiply REID by a coefficient?

You need to check each tracker for the details 😄