
Solution to Stakefish coding challenge

Primary LanguageGo

Solution proposed to Stakefish challenge

The original exercise description is HERE

1. Overview

This document aims to give an understanding about how the exercise has been solved. It also tries to enfatice what's been and what has not been done and what would need to be improved.
As an overview, the following technologies have been used to build this project from the ground up:

  • Go as programming language for building the Rest API.
  • Postgresql as the storage backend for the Rest API.
  • Docker for application ontainerization.
  • Docker compose for setting up a quick dev environment.
  • Minikube for local k8s development.
  • Helm for k8s application packaging.
  • GitHub Actions for the CI pipeline.

2. Rest API

The rest API has been developed using Go as programming language, which is very conveniente for these kind of backends. Apart from the standard library, the following third party libraries have been used:

  • gorilla/mux: simple HTTP request router and dispatcher.
  • go-pg: Go ORM for Postgres database backends.

The following endpoints have been implemented according specification:

  • /
  • /health
  • /v1/tools/lookup
  • /v1/tools/validate
  • /v1/history

2.1 Notes regarding endpoints

Regarding / endpoint, it returns the software version deployed, among other things. It gets this info from env var STAKEFISH_API_VERSION, which is injected at Docker image creation. It also returns if the app is running in k8s. To find that out it checks env var KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST.

The /health endpoint just return if the connection between the application and the database backend is healthy.

The following have NOT been implemented due to lack of time:

  • Swagger retrieval: I would have implemented another endpoint for the user to get this definition so that users could autogenerate client side code. I.e: /swagger.yaml and /swagger.json.
  • /metrics endpoint: I would have added another component that could return metrics when queried. Based on Instumenting a Go application.
  • Improvement of swagger definition: for instance, adding /health endpoint to it.

2.2 Software architecture

The Rest API software has three major packages:

  • Controller: This package handles HTTP incoming requests. It defines the endpoints and how to handle the incoming requests.
    This package also contains some unit tests for / and /v1/tools/validate endpoints. Testing would have needed to be more throrough, but at least it works to ilustrate the GitHub Actions testing step.
    The main component, Manager needs three structs that implement three different interfaces. This is done to avoid having tighly coupled components and allow unit testing. The structs that implement those interfaces are passed in the Manager instantiator following the dependency injection paradigm. These interfaces are:

    • Database connector: Allows the Manager to interact with a database backend. Useful for saving/quering information.
    • Network Infrastructure: Allows the Manager to interact with the network, either the actual Internet or a mocked component.
    • Logger: useful for loggin incomming request when things happen within the Manager component.
  • Infrastructure: This package contains the interfaces as well as the implementation that allows the access to the database backend as well as the internet. It also includes the mock objects used for unit testing.

  • Debug: This package contains the interface for logging as well as a simple struct that implements it.

Apart from these three packages, there is the additional one models that keeps the structs with the needed tags to return the right json objects to the users upon request and also the tags for modeling the tables for the postgres ORM used.

Also the main function have the logic to gracefully close the HTTP server and connection to the database upon user request, either doing CTRL+C when running standalonse or shutting down the container gracefully when running on top of docker/k8s.

2.3 Database backend

The database backend chosen for this project is postgresql. It uses the default postgres database and creates two tables on it. Tables are:

  • query: each request from users is logged here. The IPv4 resolved are stored in the address table.
  • address: all IPv4 from a user request are stored here. Each entry have a foreign key referencing one query.

The relation between query and address is 1-n, having one query many address. The definition file for this can be found HERE.

3. Docker related work

The application can be contenerized using Docker. To do so please refer to the Dockerfile. To comment it quickly, I've used the Go official image to build the binary and then used a distroless imaged based on debian for the final image. This improves storage use as well as image security.
It is important to note that at build time the image building process needs the argument stakefish_api_version so it creates the env var STAKEFISH_API_VERSION inside the container. This will be the one read to show the application version upon user request.

The project also comes with a docker-compose.yml file so a development environment can be quicked off very quickly. As reference, the image building argument for this environming will be set to testing.

4. Helm related work

To quickly deploy the application on top of a k8s cluster, a Helm chart has been developed. To install the application using Helm, please add the right Helm reposotory and install it from there.
⚠️Before using it⚠️, some k8s secrets need to be put in place. Please refer to the example secrets.yaml. If these secrets are not set before installing the chart, the pods won't come up. This behaviour could be improved in the future by auto-generating secrets if they are not present.
This chart uses also as dependency the postgres chart created by Bitnami.
To install the chart, follow the steps below: Add my Helm repo to your Helm installation:

$ helm repo add stakefish https://mikeletux.github.io/helm-chart/

Update your Helm repos:

$ helm repo update

Proceed to install the chart:

$ helm search repo stakefish
$ helm install stakefish stakefish/stakefish-chart

5. GitHub Actions related work

This project implements a CI pipeline built upon GitHub Actions. The pipeline is triggered every single time some code is pused to any branch, no matter which one. The only different behavior occurs when in a pull request. In this event, neither the Docker container built is pushed to github container registry nor the Helm chart is published.
The pipeline has three steps (second and third stages depend on their previous steps respectively):

  • lint-test-build: Lints, runs unit tests and builds the Rest API from Go project.
  • build-push-docker: Builds and pushes the Docker image to GH image repository.
  • package-helm-chart: Packages and publishes the Helm chart.

Steps 2 and 3 creates and publishes artifacts.

Just to add more information about the container image building process, it uses as tags the branch name and the commit sha (short version) in which the pipeline was triggered. This is used as app_version when packaging the Helm chart so the chart is packaged with the same docker image tag as the docker image published to the repository.

6. Additional work

I created a Helm repository using Github Pages on https://mikeletux.github.io/helm-chart/. In order to do that I needed to use the GitHub Action stefanprodan/helm-gh-page and followed his tutorial. In order for this repo to perform changes on that one, I created one granular token allowing to modify https://github.com/mikeletux/helm-chart repo and used it from this repo pipeline as a Github Secret.

The project also comes with a k8s YAML file that could be used to deploy the needed resources on top of a k8s cluster without Helm.

/Miguel Sama 2023