
thoughts on osm-community-index

Opened this issue · 7 comments

  • want to add filters, highlight the type of resource, highlight the geometries clicked
  • highlight the type of resource — use icons to show what’s facebook, mailing list etc
  • sort by size (smallest first)
  • join against other data (community health, past events)

Filter + Icon is now deployed on https://community.osm.be/

The osm-community-index demo is awesome! Thanks again @mikelmaron 👏

I moved the latest code to the actual osm-community-index repo, and I'm serving the map at https://openstreetmap.community now from the GitHub page there..

If you have any more issues or ideas, let's track them on that repo going forward..
(One thing I want to do soonish is swap your personal public token for one of the official openstreetmap ones.)

Why not continue with what @jbelien built upen this demo?
The code lives at https://github.com/jbelien/oci-viewer/

Why not continue with what @jbelien built upen this demo?
The code lives at https://github.com/jbelien/oci-viewer/

I like Mikel's map better because it's interactive. The other thing @jbelien built was just a list, and we do link to it from the community index readme.

Hello @bhousel ,

I think you missed the last update of https://community.osm.be/ : I integrated a map based on @mikelmaron's idea (and suggestions from this current "issue").

@jbelien cool I saw yours with the map - it's good!

I just like the fullscreen one better, and it's a single tiny index.html so much easier to work with and maintain.

Fair enough :)

I'm planning to migrate from PHP to JS. I'll keep that in mind ;)