
How to get encrypted JWT string in passport-jwt?

bigturtle88 opened this issue · 2 comments

I am using Express.js, Passport.js. Jsonwebtoken
I save a JWT encoded token in the database.
I want to check encrypted JWT with Bearer.

JwtStrategy allows us to receive the jwtPayload object.

But I need to get an encrypted string. The documentation contains rawJwt (Token), but how to get encrypted string? How to extract?

passport.use(new JwtStrategy({
      jwtFromRequest: ExtractJwt.fromAuthHeaderAsBearerToken(),
      secretOrKey   : config.secretOrKey
  function (jwtPayload, cb) {
      return User.find({_id: jwtPayload.user._id, token: token}) // compare the token that goes in encrypted form
         .then(user => {
              return cb(null, user);

          .catch(err => {
              return cb(err);

Any idea on this?

Unfortunately, I'm not able to asnwer basic implementation questions like this due to limited time. If you discover a reproducible issue with this module please open an issue with a unit test, succinct code snippet or detailed instructions to reproduce.

Consider asking a question on stack overflow or look into one of the many tutorials on jwt auth in passport (many of them refer to this module). Best of luck.