
rounded corners example [example / documentation]

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Thank you for the nice library.
Can you put an example how to make it with round corners ? I've tried but didn't succeed :(

@AndreiD nothing special about it. You just define the corner in pixel:

ActionItemBadge.BadgeStyles.GREY_LARGE.getStyle().setCorner(UIUtil.convertDpToPx(ToolbarActivity.this, 12))

(using one of the provided styles as base)

Or you can also just create your own style

new BadgeStyle(BadgeStyle.Style.LARGE, R.layout.menu_action_item_badge_large, Color.parseColor("#e0e0e0"), Color.parseColor("#c7c7c7"), Color.BLACK).setCorner(UIUtil.convertDpToPx(ToolbarActivity.this, 12)

if you want a rounded badge just define the corner in pixel as the half of the height of the element

.setCorner(UIUtil.convertDpToPx(ToolbarActivity.this, 12)

so 12 dp for a 24dp height badge.

Doesn't work if it's very small. I'm attaching a picture
No matter how I try to put the corner parameter, it still shows a rounded rectangle instead of a circle.


@AndreiD in this case it wouldn't work as the content is bigger than the possible radius can be. (i assume)

yes. this is the case. however I don't know how to fix it :(. it's a menu item image.

You could just use the layout I define in this lib and replace the flexible drawable I define with a real one. So you can do the same without using the lib