
How i can make ActionItemBadge.BadgeStyles smaller.

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I so love this library . But how I can make ActionItemBadge.BadgeStyles smaller. I have 2 options, 1 is normal, 1 is large. I want another option is small ? How can I do that ?

@trinhvanminh2009 well the lib only comes with those 2 styles.
If you want a completely other style you have to do it manually. Define your own layout: https://github.com/mikepenz/Android-ActionItemBadge/blob/develop/library/src/main/res/layout/menu_action_item_badge.xml (like this)
And then define your own style:

GREY(new BadgeStyle(BadgeStyle.Style.DEFAULT, R.layout.menu_action_item_badge, Color.parseColor("#e0e0e0"), Color.parseColor("#c7c7c7"), Color.BLACK)),

Thank you. I know what I have to do.