
isOnlyOneExpandedItem not working

jakoss opened this issue · 7 comments

About this issue

I'm not sure if it's my fault or the expanded implementation is broken somehow.

I implemented parent item like that:

class TimecardExpanderItem(val timecard: Timecard) :
    IClickable<TimecardExpanderItem> {
    override val type: Int
        get() = R.id.timecard_expander_item

    override var identifier = timecard.stableId.hashCode().toLong()

    private var mOnClickListener: ClickListener<TimecardExpanderItem>? = null

    override var onItemClickListener: ClickListener<TimecardExpanderItem>? =
        { v, adapter, item, position ->
            if (v != null && item.timecard.entries.isNotEmpty()) {
                val binding = ViewHolderTimecardExpanderHeaderBinding.bind(v)

                if (!item.isExpanded) {
                } else {
            mOnClickListener?.invoke(v, adapter, item, position) ?: true
        set(onClickListener) {
                this.mOnClickListener = onClickListener // on purpose

    override var onPreItemClickListener: ClickListener<TimecardExpanderItem>?
        get() = null
        set(_) {}

    override val isAutoExpanding = true
    override var isExpanded = false
    override var parent: IParentItem<*>? = null
    override var subItems = mutableListOf<ISubItem<*>>()

Then i'm adding items to adapter like that:

val items = timecards
                        .map { timecard ->
                            val parent = TimecardExpanderItem(timecard)
                            if (timecard.entries.isNotEmpty()) {
                                val subItems = mutableListOf<ISubItem<*>>()
                                        .map { timecardRecord ->
                                            val entry = TimecardEntryItem(timecardRecord)
                                            entry.parent = parent
                                parent.subItems = subItems

The issue is that if one item is expanded and i'm trying to expand other one - it won't collapse the old one. I checked under debugger that the flag isOnlyOneExpandedItem is true. I also traced the onClick call.

In file ExpandableExtension, on line 173, the line val expandedItems = getExpandedItemsSameLevel(pos) is always empty. The getExpandedItemsRootLevel always get's called (as expected i think) but here's the issue. We have check fastAdapter.getItem(i).ifExpandableParent, so the body won't ever be called, since this is root level and the parent is null. Am i doing something wrong here?


  •  Used library version 5.4.0
  •  Used support library version (recyclerview:1.2.0, fragment-ktx:1.3.2)
  •  Used gradle build tools version 4.1.3
  •  Used tooling / Android Studio version 4.1.3
  •  Other used libraries, potential conflicting libraries (nothing that can conflict with recycler view)


Could you maybe please try to reproduce this in the sample app? and maybe provide full sample code so I can also debug and get a better view what you see?


Sure, minimal setup reproducing issue attached


@jakoss thanks for the sample.

The problem is, that the subitem is only an ISubItem and not a IExpandable.
Causing this cast to fail: https://github.com/mikepenz/FastAdapter/blob/develop/fastadapter-extensions-expandable/src/main/java/com/mikepenz/fastadapter/expandable/ExpandableExtension.kt#L42

Will look if that's something we can improve

v5.4.1 will fix this for you :)

Awesome, thanks. Implementing IExpandable in subitem seems counterintuitive if this subitem isn't really expandable :)

Yeah indeed. In the sample we use the AbstractExpandableItem as base as such this was not seen.

Thanks again for the report

5.4.1 works perfectly, thanks