
drawer does not clear previous selected items

integral0909 opened this issue · 8 comments

Thanks for providing this great library.

I have created the slider by the following code;

        binding.slider.apply {
                PrimaryDrawerItem().apply {
                    nameRes = R.string.quotes; iconRes = R.drawable.ic_quotes
                    identifier = 1; selectedIconRes = R.drawable.ic_quotes_red; isIconTinted = true
                PrimaryDrawerItem().apply {
                    nameRes = R.string.chart; iconRes = R.drawable.ic_chart
                    identifier = 2; selectedIconRes = R.drawable.ic_chart_red; isIconTinted = true
                PrimaryDrawerItem().apply {
                    nameRes = R.string.deals; iconRes = R.drawable.ic_deals
                    identifier = 3; selectedIconRes = R.drawable.ic_deals_red; isIconTinted = true
                PrimaryDrawerItem().apply {
                    nameRes = R.string.net_deals; iconRes = R.drawable.ic_net_deals
                    identifier = 4; selectedIconRes = R.drawable.ic_net_deals_red; isIconTinted = true
                PrimaryDrawerItem().apply {
                    nameRes = R.string.history; iconRes = R.drawable.ic_history
                    identifier = 5; selectedIconRes = R.drawable.ic_history_red; isIconTinted = true
                PrimaryDrawerItem().apply {
                    nameRes = R.string.accounts; iconRes = R.drawable.ic_accounts
                    identifier = 6; selectedIconRes = R.drawable.ic_accounts_red; isIconTinted = true

but my slider does not clear previous selected items, so it is showing multiple selected items like the following.

Please let me know the reason.

@sweetdream0729 do you also set a click listener or similar? Trying a similar setup in the sample app does not result in this problem.

Could you please describe a little bit more on how it occurs? with simple clicks? or if you click around quick?

Yes, I have added a itemClickListener like the following

            onDrawerItemClickListener = { _, drawerItem, _ ->
                var intent: Intent? = null
                when (drawerItem.identifier) {
                    1L -> binding.bottomNav.selectedItemId = R.id.item_quotes

                    3L -> binding.bottomNav.selectedItemId = R.id.item_deals

                    5L -> binding.bottomNav.selectedItemId = R.id.item_history

                    else -> supportFragmentManager.beginTransaction().replace(
                if (intent != null) {

If I click item as normal speed, above duplication happens, but if I click the items as longer press, only last clicked item is selected.
Thanks for your reply.

May you please be able to showcase the whole drawer configuration? the onDrawerItemClickListener returning false also looks fine.

it would be great if I was able to reproduce the problem

Here is a drawer configuration

    fun setDrawer(savedInstanceState: Bundle?){
        val profile = ProfileDrawerItem().apply { nameText = "Ark Demo"; descriptionText = "theteam@arktechltd.com"; iconRes = R.drawable.ic_logo }

        // Create the AccountHeader
        headerView = AccountHeaderView(this, compact = true).apply {

        binding.slider.apply {
                PrimaryDrawerItem().apply {
                    nameRes = R.string.quotes; iconRes = R.drawable.ic_quotes
                    identifier = 1; selectedIconRes = R.drawable.ic_quotes_red; isIconTinted = true
                PrimaryDrawerItem().apply {
                    nameRes = R.string.chart; iconRes = R.drawable.ic_chart
                    identifier = 2; selectedIconRes = R.drawable.ic_chart_red; isIconTinted = true
                PrimaryDrawerItem().apply {
                    nameRes = R.string.deals; iconRes = R.drawable.ic_deals
                    identifier = 3; selectedIconRes = R.drawable.ic_deals_red; isIconTinted = true
                PrimaryDrawerItem().apply {
                    nameRes = R.string.net_deals; iconRes = R.drawable.ic_net_deals
                    identifier = 4; selectedIconRes = R.drawable.ic_net_deals_red; isIconTinted = true
                PrimaryDrawerItem().apply {
                    nameRes = R.string.history; iconRes = R.drawable.ic_history
                    identifier = 5; selectedIconRes = R.drawable.ic_history_red; isIconTinted = true
                PrimaryDrawerItem().apply {
                    nameRes = R.string.accounts; iconRes = R.drawable.ic_accounts
                    identifier = 6; selectedIconRes = R.drawable.ic_accounts_red; isIconTinted = true
                PrimaryDrawerItem().apply {
                    nameRes = R.string.economic_calendar; iconRes = R.drawable.ic_calendar
                    identifier = 7; selectedIconRes = R.drawable.ic_calendar_red; isIconTinted = true
                PrimaryDrawerItem().apply {
                    nameRes = R.string.news; iconRes = R.drawable.ic_news
                    identifier = 8; selectedIconRes = R.drawable.ic_news_red; isIconTinted = true
                PrimaryDrawerItem().apply {
                    nameRes = R.string.mails; iconRes = R.drawable.ic_mails
                    identifier = 9; selectedIconRes = R.drawable.ic_mails_red; isIconTinted = true
                PrimaryDrawerItem().apply {
                    nameRes = R.string.settings; iconRes = R.drawable.ic_settings
                    identifier = 10; selectedIconRes = R.drawable.ic_settings_red; isIconTinted = true
                PrimaryDrawerItem().apply {
                    nameRes = R.string.about; iconRes = R.drawable.ic_about
                    identifier = 11; selectedIconRes = R.drawable.ic_about_red; isIconTinted = true
                PrimaryDrawerItem().apply {
                    nameRes = R.string.share; iconRes = R.drawable.ic_share
                    identifier = 12; selectedIconRes = R.drawable.ic_share_red; isIconTinted = true
            onDrawerItemClickListener = { _, drawerItem, _ ->
                //check if the drawerItem is set.
                //there are different reasons for the drawerItem to be null
                //--> click on the header
                //--> click on the footer
                //those items don't contain a drawerItem

                var intent: Intent? = null
                when (drawerItem.identifier) {
                    1L -> binding.bottomNav.selectedItemId = R.id.item_quotes

                    3L -> binding.bottomNav.selectedItemId = R.id.item_deals

                    5L -> binding.bottomNav.selectedItemId = R.id.item_history

                    else -> supportFragmentManager.beginTransaction().replace(
                if (intent != null) {

        binding.slider.multiSelect = false
        // set the selection to the item with the identifier 5
        if (savedInstanceState == null) {
            binding.slider.setSelection(1, false)

Hi, @mikepenz

Still looking forward to your help.

@sweetdream0729 could you please make a sample app which can be compiled to test this out.

binding.slider.multiSelect = false

should not be required to be defined btw.

Also which version do you use?

@wakaztahir theoretically you should be able to enable multi select via

binding.slider.multiSelect = true

Also please do not spam other threads with questions.

Closing for inactivity. please re-open if still relevant