

MarcusWolschon opened this issue · 4 comments

There seems to be no way to set the "ellipsize" attribute for a PrimaryDrawerItem.
The prevents an implementation of elipsyze="middle" for long folder names in K9
Issue 5290

The ability to modify android:lines and android:singleLine would also be benefitial.

@MarcusWolschon the MaterialDrawer allows you to also create custom drawer items if you need more features which are not covered by the default items.

Just looked at the referenced issue. And I see you solved it.

It may make sense to add support for this.

Looks like someone else did exactly that after I made my ugly, temporary workaround for K-9.

I have another issue to work on next, so I can't make a patch and a Merge Request for this feature myself right away.

I believe this answered the issue. Happy to take a PR with improvements to this. Closing the issue