
migration guide

AzamudinUMCH opened this issue · 3 comments

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I'm trying to upgrade from 6.0.8 to latest version which are 8.x.x. After i upgrade, the app cannot find few import which are
-import com.mikepenz.materialdrawer.AccountHeader;
-import com.mikepenz.materialdrawer.AccountHeaderBuilder;
-import com.mikepenz.materialdrawer.Drawer;
-import com.mikepenz.materialdrawer.DrawerBuilder;

currently my static Drawer drawer cannot import from this import com.mikepenz.materialdrawer.Drawer;

Can you guild me how to do this migration as I already read the migration guide documentation but was not success.

Please have a look at the README with code on how to define the drawer, the sample showcasing different example implementations and the migration docs: https://github.com/mikepenz/MaterialDrawer/blob/develop/MIGRATION.md

None of those above listed classes exist anymore, as they were replaced by a different approach.

The drawer is now set up via XML and won't auto inflate anymore, as this gives much more flexibility https://github.com/mikepenz/MaterialDrawer#2-add-the-drawer-into-the-xml

Is there any version after 6.0.8 still using that class?

v7 was upgraded to be kotlin first.
v8 got completely refactored.