
textColorRes and descriptionTextColorRes aren't work correctly

CheK539 opened this issue · 3 comments

About this issue

Hi, I am trying to create a PrimaryDrawerItem with color changing textColor and desctiptionTextColor using textColorRes and desctiptionTextColorRes, but it doesn't work as I expected. Instead of changing the textColor, the selectedColor is changed.
Note that changing the textColor field manually works correctly.
Then I went through the source code and saw that textColorRes and descriptionTextColorRes are a SelectableColor extension instead of a NameableColor in NameableColor.kt:

var SelectableColor.textColorRes: Int
    @Deprecated(level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR, message = "Not readable")
    get() = throw UnsupportedOperationException("Please use the direct property")
    set(@ColorRes value) {
        selectedColor = ColorHolder.fromColorRes(value)

Sample code for this:

    PrimaryDrawerItem().apply {
        nameText = "Test item"
        descriptionText = "Test description"
        textColorRes = R.color.teal_700
        descriptionTextColorRes = R.color.teal_200




  •  Used library version - 8.4.2
  •  Used support library version - 8.4.2
  •  Used gradle build tools version - 7.0.0
  •  Used tooling / Android Studio version - 2020.3.1
  •  Other used libraries, potential conflicting libraries


@CheK539 thank you very much for the detailed report. Looking into it.

@mikepenz FYI This issue seems to also be present for ProfileDrawerItem

@davidhowe it should be the same extension function. due to it not having access to the context, the res variant is no-op and it's suggested to use textColor directly