
Support including message/stack traces in detailed summary report

Closed this issue · 3 comments


In current implementation stack traces are used as fallback message for the failure, when there's no failure message attribute present.


However it might be useful to include stack traces in detailed summary report. For example with additional configuration option.


- name: Publish Test Report
  uses: mikepenz/action-junit-report@v4
  if: always()
    detailed_summary: true
    detailed_summary_include_stacktraces: true

Also if it would be possible to include exact error/failure message in detailed summary report, could be helpful to understand which assertion exactly has failed.

Thank you very much for the suggestion. Do you have some example output on how you'd imagine something like this to look like?

Overall I think it's common if there's a failure to see the general information in the message - and then you pull the full test report to see in more detail what went wrong 🤔

Let's put this on hold. I initially opened this issue based on Jenkins Blue Ocean displaying assertion results, for example when there's a simple diff between some values. I guess it depends also on test complexity and how granular are the tests. Very small tests with single assertions can only fail in limited ways, so it's clear basically right away what has gone wrong. For tests with multiple assertions assertion result would be helpful.

Downloading a full XML report and then locally analysing it is cumbersome. It would be better to create custom Github Action to post failures directly on the PR.

I actually had misunderstood how this action is implemented. The stacktraces I was looking for is available in JUnit Test Report check details. :)