
Feature request: Transform class name before resolving class name into file name

windymelt opened this issue · 11 comments

Dear maintainer,

This is a feature request. I'm perl engineer using this action, along https://metacpan.org/pod/TAP::Harness::JUnit .

In short, my test runner generates strange report xml file (because perl is not JVM language):

  • Test file t/Foo/Bar/Qux.t is represendted as class t.Foo.Bar.Qux_t in JUnit XML
  • action-junit-report tries to find t/Foo/Bar/Qux_t to annotate error message
  • the action cannot find test file, so we cannot annotate error message in correct position

Thus, I suggest following feature to resolve test file accurately:

  • Class name transformer , represented in regex (or some similar way), that intercepts mapping from class name to file name

Thanks for great action, working perfectly other language I'm developing in.

Hello @windymelt

Thank you so much for the feature suggestion. Sounds like a great solution to make the action more flexible.

Looking into this, another problem which I'd see for this is that it probably would not have the right line numbers in those situations? 🤔

Do you have a sample test output, will it contain line number information or so?

Sorry for late reply.

Here is sample output for testcase:

    <testcase name="L123: ..." classname="t.Foo.Bar.Blah.Blah.Blah.FileName_t" time="4.50611114501953e-05" />

Is this enough?

Unfortunately, sometimes name attribute does not contain linum info. Using linum 1 instead of actual linum may be useful.

Could you please test the PR here: #614

You can use it by referring to its full ref 9578c0df5d710a4c8eab4f8977a145374b150dc8 as version.

Not sure if possible but it would be great to have testcases for this scenario added.

Thank you very much!! I'll test that ref.

I provided this option to see warning:

        transformers: |


⚠️ Transformers provided, but they couldn't be parsed. Fallback to Defaults.

JSON parsing is failing?

The default is [{"searchValue":"::","replaceValue":"/"}]

Without trying it out, I'd say maybe it's due to the count of \. a normal \ needs to be escaped as \\. So to only match a . you want to already have \\. If you want to match \. (and the regex would be \\\. it would probably be escaped as: \\\\\\..

Just looked deeper into this, the problem is that javascript does not support /z -> https://stackoverflow.com/a/21786514/325479

If you could please try the new version: d248978

if you have a more complete demo sample. e.g. a demo class where an annotation should be placed, that would be great, as I could add it to the test-data

Closing due to inactivity. the feature should be available after d248978 is merged. probably going to be in 3.3.0