
Test report publishing fails following v3.3.0 release

bogdanbranisteanu opened this issue · 9 comments

Hi, I have been using your test report publishing scripts in several projects. Today you released a new version and since then the publishing fails.


It seems to have something to do with the summary input, but this input is described as optional in the documentation.

@bogdanbranisteanu thank you for the report. Are you using the specific version @v3.3.0 or the higher level tag @v3?

Could be related to: https://github.com/mikepenz/action-junit-report/blob/main/src/annotator.ts#L140-L143
But the summary was already in use on v3.1.0 too https://github.com/mikepenz/action-junit-report/blob/v3.1.0/src/main.ts#L181 🤔

Is this on an open source repo? E.g. GitHub Cloud or enterprise server?

Tried with both @v3.3.0 and @V3 and it was failing. Now changed to @v3.2.0 and it works just fine. The projects are on an enterprise server.

@v3 is tagged now on the same level as @v3.3.0 (always verifying this though)

Wonder if it may be due to the upgrade to core@1.9.1

I've recompiled v3.3.0 with the previous core@1.9.0 version here: c3ef56b

Would you please be so kind to test if that is the cause of the problem.


(generally speaking commit hash pinning is from a security perspective advised - https://docs.github.com/en/actions/security-guides/security-hardening-for-github-actions#using-third-party-actions)

It's still failing.

@bogdanbranisteanu thank you for trying this variant.

What seems strange, it should fail also on v3.2.0 given that it also posts a job summary.

I am sorry that I have to rely on you testing this - Really appreciate your help.

Prepared a new commit which allows to disable the publishing of the job summary at the end:

      - uses: mikepenz/action-junit-report@2e7e69d112175cca18d6fa2b53566862c24a9f20
          job_summary: false

This one works fine.

Published v3.3.1 which offers the APi to disable job_summary's.

I can confirm that all projects can now successfully publish the test reports. Thanks a lot for the cooperation and quick fix!