
"detailed_summary: true" option doesn't provide detailed table

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I tried to activate a detailed report by using "detailed_summary: true" option, but it didn't work - there is empty table (see attached screenshot).


Screen Shot 2022-08-22 at 16 02 50

@vitalyk-multinarity thank you very much for the report.

Do you have some additional details on the run, possibly the log output of github actions itself?
Is this maybe an open source repo where I could have a look in the run directly?

Here's an example run with the output visible: https://github.com/mikepenz/action-junit-report/actions/runs/2894267304#summary-7930673877

@mikepenz - Thank you!
Unfortunately, this is closed-source project. We're using 'ctest --output-junit'.
I'm attaching the log output from the action. I can share XML report if relevant.

Thanks for the additional insight. I think the problem is related to the include_passed configuration.

Your testcase above does indicate that there were no failures, and the include_passed flag is set to false

Annotations are not extracted for passed tests if it is set to false. See the code here:

if (failed || (includePassed && success)) {

See the configuration here:

description: 'Include passed tests in the report'
required: false
default: 'false'

And I just realised that this config is missed in the table in the README. Apologies for this.

@mikepenz , Thank you again! "include_passed:true" did it work.