
Option to not parse the annotations if number of failures is high

Closed this issue ยท 1 comments

ilyadh commented


I have test runs with thousands of failures (framework upgrade ๐Ÿ™„), and in this case reporting test results takes a long time (> 20 min, could be even more as I just cancel the workflow after that time).
By log output, I've found that it spends all that time in parseSuite function here, building annotations.
And as far as I understand, currently there's no option to skip building annotations.

Ideally, it would be great to have some option like annotations_limit = 50, and for parser to exit early if the number of parsed annotations is more than the limit. And then just report the summary with the number of total failures.


Thank you very much for the future suggestion.

That's a great idea.

It could also help to solve: #748 (comment)