
![Image](ImageURL) rendered by PARAGRAPH

Closed this issue · 3 comments

About this issue

ASTNode.handleElement for ![Image](Image URL's) section are handled by a paragraph and not MarkdownElementTypes.IMAGE
This is causing images to appear with a fixed size of 180.dp since Placeholders aren't supporting flexibility here.


  •   0.2.4
  •  Android, Desktop(Linux)
  •  7.0.4
  •  IDEA-U

@BreimerR thank you for the report.

I would love to improve that but haven't found the right compose API yet to achieve having the image larger

Yeah just saw that from the compose side played around with it a bit nothing fits yet. Maybe if the parser broke it down to IMAGE type first then something might work but that would not support for some cases. i.e badges in paragraphs

I believe this may be handled now after #72 was introduced