
Add JS support

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Ayfri commented

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    Hi, I'm using Compose for Web as a kotlin("js") project and I installed the library in multiplatform, but I still can't use it in my project, I'm in Compose 1.2.0-apha01-dev753 using Kotlin 1.7.0 with Gradle 7.5.0 and the library in 0.6.1 with Intellij 2022.2.


Currently there is no support for kotlin('js') just for JVM and Android.


Would be interesting to see if somebody would like to contribute JS support.

Unfortunately this is currently still not possible as the org.jetbrains:markdown does not offer a wasm variant

Just created an issue at JB markdown repo: JetBrains/markdown#140

JB markdown library just got Kotlin/Wasm support! JetBrains/markdown#140

Thanks! Saw it already and awaiting the release to be available🎉

@joreilly very very soon :D JetBrains/markdown@4961bfd

refreshing maven central (unfortunately not yet there :D https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/jetbrains/markdown/)

Unfortunately it seems the 0.7.0 release is not yet synced to maven central. Need to be a bit more patient :D

The wasm target was added in 0.14.0. Sonatype seems a bit slow right now. so syncing might take a while, but the staging repo is closed. 🥳