
NoSuchMethodError thrown using newer GFM versions

Closed this issue · 3 comments

About this issue

When running Markdown() with a newer version of intellij's markdown dependency (0.4.1), the following error occurs at runtime

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.intellij.markdown.flavours.gfm.GFMFlavourDescriptor: method 'void <init>(boolean, boolean, int, kotlin.jvm.internal.DefaultConstructorMarker)' not found
	at com.mikepenz.markdown.MarkdownKt.Markdown(Markdown.kt:66)
	at dev.zacsweers.ComposableSingletons$DesktopKt$lambda-1$1.invoke(Desktop.kt:30)
	at dev.zacsweers.ComposableSingletons$DesktopKt$lambda-1$1.invoke(Desktop.kt:17)


  • Used library version - 0.6.1
  • Used platform - Desktop
  • Used gradle build tools version - 8.3-rc-3
  • Used tooling / Android Studio version - IntelliJ
  • Other used libraries, potential conflicting libraries - clikt, which brings in a newer markdown dep version


Thank you for the report. I will look into it.

@mikepenz Hey, on v0.6.1 it is working well. But when I tried to use v0.7.1 I got NoSuchMethodError.

@Abhay-cloud what NoSuchMethodError do you see.

0.7.1 also retrieved an update of compose: https://github.com/mikepenz/multiplatform-markdown-renderer/releases/tag/v0.7.1