
Update to remove set-output and replace with GITHUB_OUTPUT

thejeff77 opened this issue · 5 comments

set-output is deprecated, and running the action gives a lot of warnings.

This action is great, would be cool if this was fixed before that feature is removed.


@thejeff77 which version are you using?

The latest version should not show those warnings (and I don't see these warnings using it in various projects myself)

Oops sorry @mikepenz after your response I realized I'm getting this from output from tests trying to customize release notes.

::set-output name=changed_files::0
::set-output name=additions::0
::set-output name=deletions::0
::set-output name=changes::0

So I guess the annoyance was an incorrect assumption on my part. My bad.

Still needs to be updated at some point, if its on your radar feel free to do what you wish with this bug. Thanks for the quick response.

Not sure which tests you are referencing to? Could you please link me to it?

Eg running: npm test -- releaseNotes.test.ts on the command line shows a lot of these.

Finally had a time to look. Those are the log messages of the tests only, and it's not actually doing the deprecated action.

Thank you for the report.