
Usage Issue with Internal Organization

sethicis opened this issue · 4 comments


I'm attempting to use this action for a workflow I'm setting up with my company. The problem I keep running into is that the action reports for the Resolved Tags "Not Found".

The repository action I'm attempting to build a change log for is a separate internal repo, not the one this action is running on. I am using a PAT that has access to both repositories. We do not use releases in this GitHub repository, but we do tag all of our versions before pushing them to our private NPM registry. Each tag looks like v2.1.3.

I can't give the exact same implementation I have for privacy reasons, but I'll put an example that's similar to my usage of this action below.

      - name: "Build Changelog"
        id: build_changelog
        uses: mikepenz/release-changelog-builder-action@v4
          owner: org-name
          repo: org-name/node-app
          fromTag: v${{ env.OLD_VERSION }}
          toTag: v${{ env.NEW_VERSION }}
          token: ${{ secrets.ORG_GITHUB_TOKEN }}

I'm kind of stumped. I don't know why the action keeps failing to find any of the resolved tags. Please let me know if you require any additional information.

@sethicis can you provide some logs of the failure message you see?

Using this also in similar setups, it certainly should work.

The org is GitHub or is it a custom github instance (with different domain)?


Run mikepenz/release-changelog-builder-action@v4
    owner: org-name
    repo: org-name/node-app
    fromTag: v3.13.5
    toTag: v3.13.6
    token: ***
    includeOpen: false
    ignorePreReleases: false
    failOnError: false
    fetchReviewers: false
    fetchReleaseInformation: false
    fetchReviews: false
    commitMode: false
    exportOnly: false
    OLD_VERSION: 3.13.5
    NEW_VERSION: 3.13.6
📘 Reading input values
  ℹ️ No configuration provided. Using Defaults.
🔖 Resolve tags
  Error: Not Found

@mikepenz , my org is GitHub not a custom GitHub instance.
Should I leave the org name part off the repository? Is that what the owner input is for? Is it internally assembling it as org-name/org-name/node-app?

The repo is used as such via the octokit API: https://github.com/mikepenz/release-changelog-builder-action/blob/develop/pr-collector/src/tags.ts#L33-L34

Please modify the configuration to only have the repo name, without the organization.


Good catch, overlooked first

Confirmed! This was the issue, thank you for your help, @mikepenz and for creating such a great action.