
fetchStories with uuids not working on Android Kotlin

Closed this issue · 4 comments

About this issue

  • Briefly describe the issue
    I can get stories from Postman. but sdk fetchStories with uuids not working on Android Kotlin
  • How can the issue be reproduced / sample code
    Build Gradle

private var storyblok = Storyblok(STORYBLOCK_TOKEN)
suspend fun fetchStories(): List {
val uuids: Array = arrayOf(
return storyblok.fetchStories(byUuids = uuids)

Thank you for your report. I'll have a look into this

Thank you for your quick reply.
Please use this storyblok token REDACTED to debug issues quickly.

(Redacted the token) Won't have time to move at it today but most likely tomorrow

Ok thank you.