
Import error.

nehalagrawal-blu opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi, I keep getting import error when the xray step is run.
Code in yaml file :

name: xray-action
if: always()
uses: mikepenz/xray-action@v1.1.1
    username: ${{ secrets.XRAY_CLIENT_ID }}
    password: ${{ secrets.XRAY_CLIENT_SECRET }}
    testFormat: "junit"
    testPaths: "**/test-result-reports/*-junit.xml"
    projectKey: "QA"

Error -

Run mikepenz/xray-action@v1.1.1
    username: ***
    password: ***
    testFormat: junit
    testPaths: **/test-result-reports/*-junit.xml
    projectKey: QA
    xrayCloud: true
    combineInSingleTestExec: false
    failOnImportError: false
    continueOnImportError: true
    importParallelism: 2
🚀 Connect to xray
  ℹ️ Configured XrayCloud
  ℹ️ Start logging in procedure to xray
  ℹ️ Completed login and retrieved token
📝 Import test reports
  ℹ️ Importing from: **/test-result-reports/*-junit.xml
  ℹ️ Importing using format: junit
  Warning: 🔥 Failed to import: /home/runner/work/portal/portal/test-result-reports/jest-junit.xml (Timeout awaiting 'request' for 60000ms)
  ℹ️ Processed 0 of 1 elements. Failed to import: 1

Can someone help me understand whats wrong?

@nehalagrawal-blu thank you very much for the report.

It's difficult to say, ultimately the API failed to allow importing the file.
Is it by coincidence huge?
API itself seems to be in reach as the authentication looks to have went through

it may be a temporary networking issue or it could happen during an upgrade rollout. does it still happen @nehalagrawal-blu ?

Seems to work now :) I didn't change anything. So could be networking issue :)

Thank you so much. Glad things work now :)