
ability to export Cucumber tests to .feature file(s)

bitcoder opened this issue · 0 comments

Xray manages Gherkin based test scenarios (aka Cucumber Tests) for Cucumber, SpecFlow, Behave as Test issues.
As part of the supported workflows, in order to integrate it on the CI, we need to be able to export/generate Cucumber .feature files based on existing Test issues (the ones that are related to Cucumber Scenario/Scenario Outline).

Note1: the Xray Jenkins plugin has this supported as a separate task: https://docs.getxray.app/display/XRAY/Integration+with+Jenkins#IntegrationwithJenkins-Xray:CucumberFeaturesExportTask

Note2: the APIs are slightly different; I'd recommend always exporting the .feature files as a zip (using a flag on server endpoint; on cloud it's the default behaviour)