
Escaping double quotes in @DisplayName for JUnit 5 test breaks JQL

Closed this issue · 2 comments

This is more like FYI as an issue, because I have almost spent entire day to find it.

When JUnit 5 test is annotated with @DisplayName and it looks like @DisplayName("Error \"Login or/and password are incorrect\"") (double quotes are escaped with backslash) then after extended JUnit report is generated (with test_summary property having that value) on the import we will get {"error":"Invalid JQL query"}

To generate extended report for XRay I have used https://github.com/Xray-App/xray-junit-extensions
To fix it I have used single quotes in the @DisplayName annotation value in test

Internal issue was raised for Xray team - https://jira.getxray.app/browse/XRAYCLOUD-5920

I'll close that issue so it could be used in case anyone finds themselves in such a situation.

Thank you for the update @adicusar-lh