
Show error message when failing to upload to help with debugging

LauraArmitage opened this issue · 1 comments

I have been getting a 400 bad request error message and struggled to understand why. When I have managed to make the import request by POSTing directly to the URL I have realised there is a helpful error message returned. It would be good for this to be displayed when the github action runs

Use of action:

      - name: Submit results to Xray
        uses: mikepenz/xray-action@v2.4.5
          username: ${{ secrets.XRAY_CLIENT_ID }}
          password: ${{ secrets.XRAY_CLIENT_SECRET }}
          testPaths: ${{ env.TRI }}/test-report.xml
          projectKey: "jira-ticket-no"
          failOnImportError: true
          continueOnImportError: false

Example logs from github action (with debug logging):

##[debug]Try to import: /home/runner/work/my-repository-name/my-repository-name/path/test-report.xml
##[debug]Using endpoint: https://xray.cloud.getxray.app//api/v2/import/execution/junit
Warning: 🔥 Failed to import: /home/runner/work/my-repository-name/my-repository-name/path/test-report.xml (Response code 400 (Bad Request))
ℹ️ Processed 0 of 1 elements. Failed to import: 1
Error: 🔥 1 failed imports detected

(I assume the double slash in the url is a red herring)

Result from hitting the url in Postman:

    "error": "Error retrieving Project from Jira with key \"jira-ticket-no\": No project could be found with key 'jira-ticket-no'."

Could the error message returned from xray be passed on to the Github action logs?

Thank you very much for the suggestion. will be in the next release