
Enhance error messages instead of general 400 Bad Request response

Closed this issue · 2 comments

#692 - I thought this was closed but it failed for me.

        uses: mikepenz/xray-action@v3.0.2
        if: ${{ inputs.publishToJira && !cancelled()}}
          username: ${{ secrets.xrayClientId }}
          password: ${{ secrets.xrayClientSecret }}
          testFormat: "junit"
          testPaths: "**/newman/*.xml"
          testExecKey: "TA-1"
          projectKey: "TA"

Warning: 🔥 Failed to import: /home/runner/work/postman-runner/postman-runner/newman/newman-run-report-2023-11-08-22-42-11-631-0.xml (HTTPError: Response code 400 (Bad Request))

Thank you for the report. This is being logged here: https://github.com/mikepenz/xray-action/blob/main/src/processor.ts#L115

It may be that the error thrown by the http framework doesn't expose more details. Going to adjust to stringify this object, maybe this adds more context.

If you could please check recheck with v3.0.3