Inclusion of COS's "Noise" Signal option?
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3d73a4a412 commented
First, to say that I love and am eternally grateful for the Tor Phone and COS's work would be an understatement.
I do want to ask about the inclusion of Noise though. I have been running COS with Noise and while I have had a few issues with it I very much prefer Noise over having to install google play, that is, I am really averse to giving google any more nfo that absolutely nessisary.
Is there any reason in particular Noise isn't being included?
I admittedly haven't tried installing the TorPhone yet but guess its worth asking, does it require google play be installed or can that be bypassed? (Fdroid and a very few side loaded apps is enough for me, I really prefer to avoid being "googled" so to speak)