
Found STK but couldn't crack

Closed this issue · 11 comments

Hello :)

crackle found the correct TK but couldn't decrypt any packet:

Found 1 connection

Analyzing connection 0:
  59:1a:d3:2e:c4:42 (private) -> 63:22:fe:be:be:c6 (private)
  Found 286 encrypted packets
  Cracking with strategy 0, 20 bits of entropy

  TK found: 112191

  STK: 7d8df0b316f4571ba8d867de68c57a5b
  Decrypted 0 packets

Did not decrypt any packets, not writing a new PCAP
Done, processed 0 total packets, decrypted 0
Connection 0
  connect_found: 1
  preq_found: 1
  pres_found: 1
  confirm_found: 2
  random_found: 2
  enc_req_found: 1
  enc_rsp_found: 1
  pairing_public_key_found: 0
  pairing_dhkey_check_found: 0
  AA: af9aa3de
  IA: 59:1a:d3:2e:c4:42
  RA: 63:22:fe:be:be:c6
  IAt: 1
  RAt: 1
  PREQ: 03 03 10 0d 00 04 01
  PRES: 03 03 10 05 00 00 02
  MCONFIRM: 42 d9 20 e2 da 8c 06 5e 73 0f fe 3f 5c 9b 93 7f
  SCONFIRM: 37 2c 9d 3f 1b cb b3 99 2a 4b 16 b2 79 59 7d 00
  MRAND: 42 da f2 9d 95 26 b7 cc 2b 4d 85 5d 64 bf bc b0
  SRAND: 49 c5 aa 79 72 d8 d1 81 75 30 af 9d c0 c1 0e 86
  Rand: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  EDIV: 00 00
  SKDm: 4e 4e 2e ea 61 30 14 4d
  IVm:  97 a7 e7 d7
  SKDs: e8 8d 9b 4b 23 95 97 1f
  IVs:  8c 66 c3 4d

I dug a little bit and found that the code was entering this section in aes_ccm_ad():

if (memcmp(x, t, M) != 0) {
        return -1; // program goes here

I'm sniffing with Adafruit BLE sniffer and use a custom script to convert to PPI. All packets appear correctly in Wireshark (CRC correct).

Any idea? I can send the PCAP to an email (don't want to make it public, it may contain sensitive data :).

Thanks for your help :)

Thanks for your quick answer! Email sent

@elgato212 , could you please share the script to convert the files from adafruit sniffer? i'm currently facing a similar problem.



Here is the Python script I use:

import sys
from scapy.all import *

pkt1 = rdpcap(sys.argv[1])
pkt2 = []
btle_header = "36750c000062090040674217807f0000".decode("hex")
ppi = PPI(dlt=147, len=24, notdecoded=btle_header)

for p in pkt1:
    btle = str(p)[0x11:]

wrpcap(sys.argv[2], pkt2)

I'm still looking at this, and I don't see any reason that this should fail. I'd like to rule out your format conversion script as a possible source of error here. Do you have an Ubertooth, or can you share the name of the device so I can get one for testing?

Thanks for the script!

In the meantime, I was able to make small changes in the code and added a very dirty but working change...
Basically added my own handler to support the adafruit sniffer (just to get the key, not sure if it will decrypt the packages):

void packet_handler_special(u_char *user, const struct pcap_pkthdr *h, const u_char *bytes) 
    crackle_state_t *state;
    state = (crackle_state_t *)user;

    state->btle_handler(state, h, bytes, 17, h->caplen);

@mikeryan yes I have an Ubertooth but I can hardly sniff anything with it, while Adafruit sniffer works flawlessly. I'm testing a BLE smartwatch with iOS (https://www.withings.com/us/en/products/steel-hr)

Hello :)

Any news on this topic?

NadSo commented

Hello Mark, I just sent you an Email

NadSo commented

j@santos98 and @elgato212 I launched your python script and got the following errors:

kamdem@heberle-bosch:~/Desktop$ python helloworld.py
WARNING: No route found for IPv6 destination :: (no default route?)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "helloworld.py", line 6, in
pkt1 = rdpcap(sys.argv[1])
IndexError: list index out of range

I have a PCAP File from Bluefruit LE and want to convert it in order to be able to use crackle. Can you please help me?

Thank you in advance

Closing this due to inactivity, please reopen if you're still having the same problem.