
Unable to decrypt

Closed this issue · 9 comments

Hi Mike,
I'm unable to decrypt my bluetooth captures. I end up getting the following error even though the LL_ENC_REQ, LL_ENC_RSP, and LL_START_ENC_REQ have been captured.

Unable to crack due to the following error:
Missing both Mrand and Srand

I really appreciate your work and your help would be invaluable to me. I've attached my pcap files.


Refer to the last FAQ entry: https://github.com/mikeryan/crackle/blob/master/FAQ.md#crackle-is-complaining-about-missing-packets-why-cant-i-crack

The Mrand and Srand packets are required to calculate the keys used during pairing. You'll have to retry your capture repeatedly until you capture those required packets.

Thanks a lot @mikeryan ! I got it decrypted after several attempts. Will be able to decrypt future exchanges now that I can gain access to the LTK? Also do you know where the LTK would be in the decrypted pcap file? I just started learning about Bluetooth protocol and I apologize if my question is too silly!

Crackle will output the LTK to the terminal. You can use it to decrypt future connections as long as you don't re-pair.

@mikeryan , I did not get the LTK output in the terminal. I just got the TK as 0. Is this normal or do I need to recapture again? I've attached the screenshot of my output.


The output I shared was obtained from cracking this specific pcap file:

I used the "btsmp" filter as you suggested and have I think the LTK was exchanged.

My devices are a samsung network AP and a Linux machine/Android device. A Bluetooth connection is established to share network parameters. I'm trying to sniff the packets and extract the data.


Just to answer one of your other questions @Shashank6669 (once you get a complete and decrypted sniff) the LTK(Long Term Key) will be in an SMP Encryption Information packet, see my sniff below:
Screenshot from 2020-03-13 12-35-14

Just to answer one of your other questions @Shashank6669 (once you get a complete and decrypted sniff) the LTK(Long Term Key) will be in an SMP Encryption Information packet, see my sniff below:
Screenshot from 2020-03-13 12-35-14

@Danyc0 Hi there, I encountered a similar problem with @Shashank6669 when using crackle, and I also found LTK in your picture. But I used the LTK here to try to decrypt the two devices that have been paired afterwards but failed, with the "Did not decrypt any packets" message.

In addition, I also used another LTK similar to package 5549 in your picture, but the decryption still failed.

I also tried the reverse order of bytes, but it still failed.

I am very confused about what is going on, and would appreciate it if you can provide some explanation, thank you!

/cc @mikeryan @Shashank6669