
Purescript wrapper around glmatrix.net

Primary LanguagePureScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Purescript wrapper around glmatrix.net (3.3.0).

For the glmatrix documention, see here. Note that the purescript version uses immutable types, so no set functions are offered, and all functions return a new object.

Important Notes

  • The API is wrong when you choose MatrixArrayTypeFloat32Array (Number vs Float32). This is not recommended, even though all tests usually run with both versions. Recommended: setMatrixArrayType MatrixArrayTypeArray.

Quick Start

npm install
spago -x test.dhall test

What is missing

  • Some glmatrix functions could return null. That should be reflected in the API. Although that hasn't happened in any of the random tests so far.
  • No support for Quat2.
  • Not all tests cover all the library sources. Some tests exploit special laws (like using identity) which may lead to some calculations not being executed.
  • The documentation was just pasted from http://glmatrix.net/docs/index.html. That could be improved.

Pull requests are welcome. Please be aware of the LICENSE and format your code with purty.

Author's Notes

Updating the package on pursuit

The process looks like this:

# Check the created documentation, improve it if needed.
# Note: You need bower.json to do that, in case you deleted that (see the next step).
pulp docs -- --format html

# Create (update) a bower.json, create the next version tag.
spago bump-version minor --no-dry-run

# Log into github
pulp login

# Push the package to pursuit, push the tags.
pulp publish