
Reverse proxy with traefik not working

cybermcm opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm trying to get the container working behind a traefik reverse proxy. I managed to get it working with 443 -> 80 but this results in a warning message during logon. So my goal is to get it done by traefik port 443 -> openvas port 443.


  container_name: openvas
   - OV_PASSWORD=xxx
   - PUBLIC_HOSTNAME=vas.xxx.net
  image: mikesplain/openvas:latest
   - traefik.enable=true
   - traefik.port=443
   - traefik.frontend.rule=Host:vas.xxx.net
   - traefik.frontend.auth.forward.tls.insecureSkipVerify=true
   - traefik.protocol=https
   - web
  restart: always
   - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
   - /opt/openvas:/var/lib/openvas/mgr

currently the following error is reported in traefik:

level=debug msg="Error calling . Cause: Get : unsupported protocol scheme \"\""

Any ideas how to get this done (other containers working well behind reverse proxy)?

Update: This was a config issue on my side.
In traefik.toml I had to set insecureSkipVerify = true as global option (put it in the upper section of the file), in my case I had that option in the docker section