specifying multiple servers for client
kdar opened this issue · 3 comments
It seems other gearman libraries have the capability to specify multiple job servers. It would be nice to maintain the same API gearman-go has, just in case we want to implement our own client connection strategies, but it would also be nice if gearman had one of its own.
The python gearman seems to poll the connections and wait until it gets a status back from the job server that it's been accepted. But some other libraries just pick a random server from the list. The official ruby gearman libraries just does a round robin.
A ClientPool would be a good idea.
pool := client.NewPool()
pool.Do("ToUpper", []byte("abcdef"), JOB_LOW|JOB_BG)
Assign selection strategy:
pool.SelectionHandler = func(clients []client.Client) (index int) {
return rand.Intn(len(clients))
The only problem I see with this solution is it wouldn't work if a job server is currently offline while this process starts, since client.New will return nil if it cannot connect. The python library keeps a list of job servers, and only tries to connect them when a job is sent. It also attempts to reconnect to a job server if it was lost. It also keeps a history of lost connections and rotates the list so that it won't keep using broken servers over and over.
Let me know your thoughts.
Ja, Changed!
Let the pool managing client's connections now.